J's portfolio! (@cornpoff)

yahoo! you just activated AUTHOR COMMENTS. the comments will be quite casual. click on sesame again to toggle the comments on and off! i did this so i don't clog up the page with my rambles... i have a lot to say ╮(╯_╰)╭


I'm J Wu! I like drawing things that are sometimes cute, sometimes cool, and making LGBTQ stories about self-expression and and the discovery of one's role in the universe 🌠 ... But most of all I like putting my characters in cool clothes.

Looking for work in comics/webtoons or games!

twitter: @cornpoff
itch.io: bithox.itch.io
mail: cornchippu(at)gmail.com

old site: bithox (mostly pixel art and lineless art)

Psst! To toggle author comments on this site, click on the pixel of Sesame in the top header. You can do this for every page!

recently... added scroll to top button, added "pixel" page, cleaned up "doodle" page.

This site is homemade! 🙇 Thank you for bearing with any wonkiness in the site.

▲ some time during summer 2021, i got really excited to learn how to 3d model a lowpoly character, and i picked sesame and sat down to watch a series of japanese blender tutorials on how to make "lowpoly anime". my first attempt was not so great (i like to call it "depressed sesame") but my second attempt is shown above! the new sesame is much nicer. after that, i had to wrestle with rigging, rendering, posing... _ :(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
anyway, i'm so attached to sesame now that they became my mascot character.